Imagine being able to speak to your customers in a way that they personally connect with, builds trust, and inspires them to buy your product. When you write sales copy for your product, getting caught up in being creative with your words can be really fun, but is it connecting to your customer in the best way possible? Beyond being clear, you also need to connect to their emotional states so your product becomes something they desire and need, rather than just something they might want some day.
Talk to your customers to collect stories people can relate to.
The best place to learn how to connect with new customers is to talk to your current customers. They will speak in a language that new customers will understand and give you new evidence for others to believe in. Collecting testimonials is a great place to start. If you’re not sure how to begin to talk to customers, you can grab our free guide here.
![Emotional Copywriting - Startup Customer Interviews](
Focus on emotions that people never forget.
Think about your life for a second. What do you want and not want in your life? You want to be happy and live a fulfilling life. You think about those feelings often. On the opposite spectrum, you don’t want to deal with stress or difficulty. You’ll do whatever it takes to not have to deal with any form of pain in your life. Your customers couldn’t agree more.
The emotions that problems create:
![Anxiety, stress, fear, disappointment, upset, and overwhelm.](
- Anxiety, stress, fear, disappointment, upset, and overwhelm.
The emotions that solutions create:
![Solutions create happiness, confidence, and relief. They give you control of your problems.](
- Solutions create happiness, confidence, and relief. They give you control of your problems.
How to use customer stories and emotions in your sales copy.
Gain the trust of your customers by letting them know you understand their pain.
The easiest way to gain trust is through testimonials. Not just any quote from a customer, but quotes about transformation. Share the success story of a customer that conquered a problem in their life with your product. When you share those kinds of stories the reader begins to think, “I have the same problem and I don’t want to deal with it anymore. I want that success too.” The key here is that you are reminding the customer of a problem they have, emphasizing why it’s a problem and then sharing how your product can help them defeat it.
Let’s look at an example of what an impactful testimonial could look like.
Here is a hypothetical testimonial with how an “on-demand dog walker” app helped someone.
“Sometimes I work long days and my dog, Max, would be stuck inside at home all day. If I’m stuck at the office, I can get easily get someone I trust to take care of him and make sure he gets the exercise he needs. I love that I don’t have to worry about him and I can better focus on my work.”
Dog owners feel guilty when they get too busy. They have obligations to their dog as well as the people they are busy with. They don’t want to disappoint people they made promises to. The product helps them remove that guilt from their life. When a customer reads a story about someone they can relate to, they become emotionally attached and begin to wonder what life could be like for them with your product.
Find customers that have found success with your product, ask them about how your product helped them, and get their permission to use their statements in your marketing collateral. If you need help getting started with that, we’ve got you covered with our free guide.
![Emotional Writing - Startup Marketing](
Give your customers confidence in your product by telling them how your product can help them succeed.
Tell them what success would be like for them with your product, that they will gain control of their life and do great things with it. Use words to help a customer imagine themselves in a world without the problem you can fix. Using the word “imagine” is a call to action to make them think about it.
“Imagine being able to double your sales within 6 months.”
For any salesperson, that would be a great life to imagine. It achieves company goals, personal goals, and social goals. Their company would be happy, they would impress their boss, and they would get a hefty commission.
What kind of life do you want your customers to imagine?
Ask your customers if they want to change their lives with your product.
Having a clear call to action is just as important. You need to tell them what to do next after they get excited about the possibilities your product can bring. After you ask them if they want to enhance their life with your product, make sure you provide the opportunity to purchase or contact you to begin the sales process.
Understand your customers so you can improve the impact of your product and grow.
If you want to learn more about your customers so you can build a product that people love, we can help you do that. We can conduct customer interviews, feedback analysis, and uncover the most valuable opportunities for growth so you can grow your business.
Contact us today to see how we can help you get to the next step and keep moving forward.