
Taming `schema.rb` Chaos: A Rails Developer's Guide to Deterministic Schema Generation

Struggling with schema.rb merge conflicts in Rails? Learn how deterministic schema generation in Rails 8.0.x solves this issue—and how to implement a fix today to streamline your development workflow and eliminate unnecessary conflicts.

6 min
February 6, 2025
Jon Kinney
Partner & CTO

In the world of Ruby on Rails development, few files cause as much friction in team environments as ⁠`schema.rb`. While this file serves as the single source of truth for your database structure, it's also notorious for causing merge conflicts when multiple developers work on separate branches.

Today, we'll explore a solution that's coming in Rails 8.0.x, and how you can implement it right now in your projects.

The Problem: `Schema.rb` and merge conflicts

If you've worked on a Rails project with multiple developers, this scenario might sound familiar: You create a migration to add a column to a table, while your colleague does the same in their branch. When it comes time to merge these changes, you're faced with a conflict in ⁠`schema.rb` - not because the changes are incompatible, but because the order in which migrations were run resulted in different column arrangements.

This isn't just a minor inconvenience.

These conflicts:

  • Waste developer time resolving meaningless conflicts
  • Increase the risk of human error during conflict resolution
  • Create noise in code reviews that could obscure actual issues
  • Add unnecessary complexity to the development workflow

The root cause

The core issue stems from how Rails generates ⁠schema.rb. By default, it dumps the schema in the order that columns exist in the database, which can vary depending on:

  • The order in which migrations were run
  • The specific database implementation being used (mysql, postgresql, sqlite, etc.)
  • The timing of when columns were added on each developer’s machine

There’s a gem for that!

Historically speaking, I’d always add the gem and move on with my life. It was a great gem, and I sincerely thank the author, Jake Moffatt, for creating it! However, it relies on rubocop to do some of the schema.rb formatting, and has generally not been very actively maintained as of late. The test suite still runs against Rails 4.x, for example. And even its author, Jake, has even advocated for some sort of fix to be baked into Rails.

The Solution: Deterministic schema generation

The Rails community has been discussing this issue for years, and finally, a solution is being implemented in Rails 8.0.x. The core idea is simple but effective: sort tables, columns, and foreign keys alphabetically during schema generation. There’s also been discussion about adding more of the original functionality of the fix-db-schema-conflicts gem into the core of Rails, which I hope happens.

Implementing the fix today

While waiting for the official release, you can add this functionality to your Rails application right now. Here's how:

1. Create an initializer (e.g., `⁠config/initializers/schema_dumper_patch.rb`) and add the following code:

require_relative "../../lib/active_record/schema_dumper_patch"


2. Create the file referenced in the initializer in your lib directory (e.g. `lib/active_record/schema_dumper_patch.rb`) and add the following code:

module ActiveRecord
  module SchemaDumperPatch
      def table(table, stream)
        columns = @connection.columns(table)
          self.table_name = table

          tbl =

          # first dump primary key column
          pk = @connection.primary_key(table)

          tbl.print "  create_table #{remove_prefix_and_suffix(table).inspect}"

          case pk
          when String
            tbl.print ", primary_key: #{pk.inspect}" unless pk == "id"
            pkcol = columns.detect { |c| == pk }
            pkcolspec = column_spec_for_primary_key(pkcol)
            unless pkcolspec.empty?
              if pkcolspec != pkcolspec.slice(:id, :default)
                pkcolspec = { id: { type: pkcolspec.delete(:id), **pkcolspec }.compact }
              tbl.print ", #{format_colspec(pkcolspec)}"
          when Array
            tbl.print ", primary_key: #{pk.inspect}"
            tbl.print ", id: false"

          table_options = @connection.table_options(table)
          if table_options.present?
            tbl.print ", #{format_options(table_options)}"

          tbl.puts ", force: :cascade do |t|"

          #  FIXME: (2025-01-17) Jon => this `sort_by(&:name)` is the reason for
          #  the monkey patch. Once
          #  is released in Rails 8.0.X, we can remove this monkey patch.
          columns.sort_by(&:name).each do |column|
            raise StandardError, "Unknown type '#{column.sql_type}' for column '#{}'" unless @connection.valid_type?(column.type)
            next if == pk

            type, colspec = column_spec(column)
            if type.is_a?(Symbol)
              tbl.print "    t.#{type} #{}"
              tbl.print "    t.column #{}, #{type.inspect}"
            tbl.print ", #{format_colspec(colspec)}" if colspec.present?

          indexes_in_create(table, tbl)
          remaining = check_constraints_in_create(table, tbl) if @connection.supports_check_constraints?
          exclusion_constraints_in_create(table, tbl) if @connection.supports_exclusion_constraints?
          unique_constraints_in_create(table, tbl) if @connection.supports_unique_constraints?

          tbl.puts "  end"

          if remaining
            tbl.print remaining.string

          stream.print tbl.string
        rescue => e
          stream.puts "# Could not dump table #{table.inspect} because of following #{e.class}"
          stream.puts "#   #{e.message}"
          self.table_name = nil


This monkey patch:

  • Sorts tables alphabetically before dumping
  • Orders columns alphabetically within each table
  • Maintains consistency regardless of migration execution order

Benefits of deterministic schema generation

Reduced Merge Conflicts

By maintaining a consistent order, different branches are more likely to generate identical schema files when the same set of migrations is applied.

Improved Code Review

Without spurious conflicts due to column ordering, reviewers can focus on actual schema changes.

Better Git History

Your repository's history becomes cleaner, with fewer commits devoted to resolving schema conflicts.

Team Productivity

Developers spend less time managing schema conflicts and more time building features.

Best practices when using this patch

While this patch significantly improves the schema.rb experience, consider these best practices:

Document the Patch

Add comments explaining why the monkey patch exists and link to the relevant Rails PR.

Version Control

Note the Rails version you're using and when you plan to remove the monkey patch (i.e., after upgrading to Rails 8.0.x).

Team Communication

Ensure all team members understand that schema.rb will now maintain a consistent column order.

Looking forward

This feature represents a significant quality-of-life improvement for Rails developers. Once Rails 8.0.x is released, you can remove the monkey patch and rely on the built-in functionality. Until then, this solution provides immediate relief from schema.rb-related merge conflicts.


Managing schema.rb conflicts has been a persistent pain point in Rails development. With this monkey patch, teams can immediately benefit from deterministic schema generation without waiting for the next Rails release. It's a simple change that can significantly improve the development workflow, especially in larger teams working on complex applications.

Remember, while monkey patches should generally be used sparingly, this one provides clear benefits with minimal risk, as it's based on code that will soon be part of Rails core. Consider implementing it in your projects today to start enjoying more streamlined schema management.

Actionable UX audit kit

  • Guide with Checklist
  • UX Audit Template for Figma
  • UX Audit Report Template for Figma
  • Walkthrough Video
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