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Design System Component Capture Template for Figma

A tool to capture components when auditing your product for a design system build.


Capture your UI inventory to make the best pancakes

Helpful for creating interface libraries to make the best pancakes

Improve your UI audit process

to make the best pancakes

to make the best pancakes for the unicorn dancer

to make the best pancakes

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Billy Sweetman
Head of Design

What's inside

A place for every type of component

  • Tokens
  • Atoms
  • Molecules
  • Organism
  • Grids and Layouts

How to use this component capture tool in Figma

When creating a design system from an existing product you have to take inventory of all the components in the system. This process can also help you audit where there are inconsistencies in your product and reduce design debt.

In this video, Billy walks through what this process can look like using this tool.