Design Systems for Product Teams
Free introductory design system lessons to help you plan, build, and manage design systems.

video one
Intro to design systems for product designers
In this first design systems presentation, you will learn how to build design systems with proper design system documentation. This will allow you to scale your product more effectively.
What are design systems?
Do you need a design system?
Design system checklist
Setting up your system
Naming conventions
video two
Design systems management and documentation
Learn how to properly manage design systems so you can adapt to product changes and keep your projects organized for everyone on your team. Billy, Head of Design at Headway, will go through tips and tricks, share design systems examples, and the best practices that have helped us manage our design systems and projects at Headway.
Tracking and implementing new design requests
Best practices for version control
Managing documentation, updates, and your team with changes
See design systems examples
video three
Design systems promotion and product team communication
Keep your entire team on the same page. High performing product teams develop a design system process to build effective communication and keep all teams aware of what items are being added to the system.
Learn how to create a better system of communication
Who needs to be updated and how often
Improve collaboration between design and development
Tools you can use to share design system updates
Free Figma UI kit and design system
Never start from scratch again. Quickly mockup a product design or marketing site for your project.
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