Figma Tutorials for Beginners
Free introductory video lessons to show you the basics of Figma. No previous experience required.

video one
Learn the basics of Figma
In the first lesson, we will do a basic introduction to using Figma to get everyone familiar with the interface and the design tools within the application. We share tips, tricks, and our approach to designing websites and products as a team in Figma collaboratively at Headway.
video two
Creating and managing components in Figma
Components are the building blocks of design systems. In this lesson, the design team at Headway shares best practices and recommendations for designing components with Figma so you can create better work and save time when working on large projects. Even with a large team involved.
video three
Creating prototypes in Figma
In this third lesson, the design team at Headway will be sharing best practices and recommendations for creating interactive prototypes so that you can do user testing with Figma. This allows you to get feedback so you can make effective changes before a project is handed off for development.
video FOUR
User testing with Figma prototypes
In this final lesson, we share our process and approach to conducting a customer interview to get meaningful feedback on your designs. We conducted a live interview on a product we are working on so you can see first hand what it can be like and identify opportunities to create or improve your own process. After the interview, we had a Q&A and discussed past experiences, tools, key learnings, and what next steps would be on any project.
Free Figma UI kit and design system
Never start from scratch again. Quickly mockup a product design or marketing site for your project.
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