
Meet the crew

Strategists, designers, developers, dreamers, and doers. We’ve been told we’re really fun to work with. Here’s who you might meet when you work with us.

Want to join the crew?

We're always looking for passionate and talented crew members! If you think you would be a good fit for Headway, check out our current openings.

Core values

Growth mindset

Teachable. Teach others. To make progress, we must establish an insatiable appetite for increased knowledge. We grow when our people remain teachable and we embrace our role to continually share our collective knowledge.

People focused

Crew, clients, customers, and community. We value people, their perspectives, and the problems we can help them overcome. You are not your work, but you bring something unique and powerful to it.

Self motivated

Take initiative. Ask where you can help. Moving ourselves, our mission, and our clients forward is important. If something is broken, take ownership and see that a better solution gets put in place. Look for more opportunities to create value and pitch in.


Everyone is heard. Everyone is a servant leader. Our compass is set to what works and moves us forward collectively. Great ideas and initiatives can come from anywhere, so everyone's voice is heard.


Intentional practice. Deliver value within given constraints and context. Through intentional practice, experience, and a comprehensive understanding of each project's constraints, our craft expands. This empowers us to make the most valuable decisions.